My Family Story






Family Story

President of Guyana


            My mother Marcel was born in Guyana. She first visited the United States when she was with the Girl Guides in Guyana. Girl Guides is the equivalent to Girl Scouts in the United States. It was because of this group that she was able to dance for the Queen of England in Guyana. She came to the United States when She was in her twenties. Since Guyana is the only English speaking country in Guyana, she had no problem speaking English in the United States. She believed in striving for the best so she went back to high school. She didn't go before because she was pregnant with my oldest sister, Natalie. After a few years, my second older sister Laureen. After 12 years I was born (yah!!!!!). It came to my my as a total surprise (yet I still can't surprise her out of the womb). She was currently going to college to get her Bachelors Degree. It is her that our family starts out shining an other minority family in academics (my opinion). She went on to achieve her Masters Degree in business management. My sisters got into Bronx Science High and Brooklyn Technical High School. I was at the top of my grade in Elementary School. My mother is currently working on to get a second Masters Degree in education. Luareen went to NYU and Natalie had a child. I went to a pretty good Middle School, Herbert S. Eisenberg. Currently today, I am in John Dewey High School. My mother is almost done with her second Masters Degree. My sister, Laureen, graduated NYU and is doing her Masters Degree at Hunters College. Natalie is living in VA with my seven year old nephew, her son.

That's my family story.

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